
HiLoGames is everyone’s favorite Bot in Chatter Box. It is created by Mod madcoin. This bot gives away money! It gets most of its funding from HailBot, and sometimes from generous users who tip it.

As of December  22, 2016: Total users: 1023, Total users win: 9587 mBTC. If you’re picked to play, HiLoGames asks you “high or low”. If you’re right, you start with 0.1 mBTC for each Rollin level your account has, with a minimum of 0.5 mBTC. So lvl 2 starts with 0.5 mBTC, while lvl 8 starts with 0.8 mBTC. You need to reach at least 1 mBTC to choose a payout. After each game the player can try his luck to double it (or lose all).
HiLoGames also has jackpots: there’s a 10% chance you start with twice the amount, and 5% chance you start with three times more.

Hall of HiLoFame:

  • On April 13, 2017, user IIO broke katerniko1’s record (64 mBTC) by winning 99.67186 mBTC in a single game
  • User jhayar0127 holds the record winning the most in total: after 366 wins he got 399 tips, each 1 mBTC or more
  • User madcoin holds the record for busting: he won 131 mBTC, then busted:

Game Types

  • roll
    • HiLoGames asks to roll the highest/lowest/closest number: type /roll
    • This requires a level 2 account (AKA 500 mBTC wagered)HiLoGames_roll
    • If two users roll the same number, the first one has priority
  • pm
    • HiLoGames asks to send a certain private message: type /pm HiLoGames hi hon
    • This requires a level 5 account (AKA 10,000 mBTC wagered)HiLoGames_pm
    • HiLoGames picks someone at random


  • Only play with one account
  • Mods can and will block you from the games if you’re caught using more than one account. Mods can also add 250 mBTC to your wager-requirements
  • When HiLoGames selects you, it tells you how to play
  • After you’ve played, you have to wait 45 minutes (if you lost) or 1.5 hours (if you won) before you can play again
  • If you won HiLoGames, it tips you instantly
  • After winning, you need to wager 10 mBTC before you can play again. If you win more than once on the same day, after your second win you need to wager 20 mBTC, after the third win 30 mBTC. You get the point
  • If you tip HiLoGames 1 mBTC (or more), it instantly waives the waiting time and wager requirement, so you can play again the next round


  • ~nextrun — shows how long until the next round of HiLoGames
    • this command comes at a price: it requires you to wager 0.1 mBTC to play (to prevent chat spam)
    • pm doesn’t have this cost: /pm HiLoGames ~nextrun
  • ~stat — PMs you your stats
  • ~stat username — PMs you user’s stats
  • ~blacklists — tells you (by PM) if you can play

Commands for Mods

  • ~set-nextrun minutes — adjust the timer to “minutes”
  • ~blockuser username — block a user who cheats with more than one account
  • ~allowuser username — let user play HiLoGames again
  • ~stat username — shows username’s stats in public
  • ~stats — shows total HiLoGames statistics
  • ~blacklists — shows all blacklisted users in PM
  • ~reset-wager username amount — sets the new wager-requirement before user can join HiLoGames again
  • ~reset-timer username minutes — sets thenew timeout before user can join HiLoGames again (leave out “minutes” for no timeout)
  • ~restart — restart the bot